Thou art light, fill me with thy light

Thou art Light, fill me with Thy Light


JMC ensures a fair and strict enforcement of discipline. There are several committees that ensure the enforcement and hence maintain the accountability and credibility of the institution.

Zero Tolerance to Ragging

Ragging is an offence and is strictly prohibited on the campus. In adherence to the rules laid down by the University of Delhi (link of the ordinance, Link5), the college has constituted the Anti-Ragging Committee. The Anti-Ragging Committee ensures that no student faces any mental or physical harassment in the College.

  • Convenor :
  • Dr Anju Luthra
  • Dr Ashwati C K
  • Mr Nishant Sharma
  • Dr Shivani Saxena
  • Dr Manisha Arora
Say No to Smoking

Jesus and Mary College has declared itself a no-smoking campus. Delhi University has partnered with Delhi Police and World Lung Foundation-South Asia,in promoting a tobacco free environment, as a step in this direction, smoking and use of tobacco in and around the campus is strictly prohibited. The anti-smoking committee of the college ensures enforcement of the anti-smoking policy.

  • Convenor :
  • Ms Tanuja Sachdeva
  • Ms Sunita Narain
  • Dr Ashwati C K
  • Ms Niamkoi Lam
  • Ms Divya Devassy
Provisions for Preventing Sexual Harassment

Strict policy framework against sexual harassment is imperative to ensure a conducive and secure environment for growth and development of students.The college has constituted an Internal Complaints Committee in accordance with the guidelines delineated by the UGC and notifications issued by the University of Delhi pertaining to the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressed) Act, 2013 (Link 3 & 6). The committee ensures a conducive and secure environment for growth and development of students.

  • Prof Reena Marwah ( Convenor )
  • Members :
  • Ms Dolly Kapoor
  • Prof Dinesh Adlakha
Prohibition of Discrimination

Jesus and Mary College is deeply committed to promoting inclusiveness. It’s a space, where students from diverse backgrounds come together and experience equal access to opportunities.

Discrimination can take place in multiple forms. The college has different committees to address these disparities and prevent discrimination.

Equal Opportunity Cell

The College has an Equal Opportunity Cell which looks after the interests of the students with special needs. Special support is provided to slow learners and those who need additional help through a variety of means such as remedial and extra classes.Funding is given by UGC to run the Cell (EOC).Please refer to the UGC Guidelines for Scheme of Equal Opportunity Centre for Colleges XII Plan (2012-2017) (Link 8)

  • Equal Opportunity Cell
  • Dr Disha Narula ( Convenor )
  • Members :
  • Dr Shefali Mishra
  • Dr Devika Mittal
  • Dr Subasini Maharana
  • Sr Renu
  • Ms Reshma Jose
  • Ms Asma Nisar
  • Ms Sarah H Awingshi
  • Ms Neelam Snehlata Soreng
North East Society

The North East Society specially look into any specific problems faced by the students from the North-Eastern states of the country. The aim of the society is to provide a harmonious environment on the campus to these students, so that they feel at home and can learn better. The students from these states showcase their culture and display their talents in the annual cultural festival as well as other college events.

  • North East Society
  • Dr Gurmeet Bakshi ( Convenor )
  • Members :
  • Dr Bipasha Lakra
  • Dr Sabiha Mazid
  • Ms Sarah H Awingshi
  • Mr Jangkholam
  • Ms Gabriella Thempineng Tungdim
Link to the details of North East Society
SC/ST Cell

SC/ST cell has been created in the college to address grievances/complaints of SC & ST students, teaching and non-teaching staff (Link 9). The cell aims to ensure an enabling and supportive environment for the SC/ST members of the college.

  • (SC/ST)
  • Mr A Srivastava AO
Grievance Redressal Committee

The Grievance Redressal Committee also looks into any complaints directed to them pertaining to academics (including errors in evaluation), discipline, infrastructure etc. It is a committee which has been put in place to ensure a smooth interface between the students, faculty and the administration. Grievances related to discrimination may also be taken up by the grievance redressal committee.Please refer to University rules pertaining to grievance redressal committee (Link 10)

  • Grievance Redressal Committee
  • Dr Alka Segal ( Convenor )
  • Members :
  • Dr Shirley Joseph
Women Studies Centre

The college also has a vibrant Women Studies Centre which sensitizes faculty and students to a range of gender issues. The Women’s Study Centre at Jesus and Mary College aims at providing an intersectional approach towards creating awareness and educating the undergraduate students about the Women’s Movement.

  • Women Studies Centre
  • Dr. Sandhya D Nambiar ( Convenor )
  • Members :
  • Dr Maya John
  • Dr Jessy Philip
  • Ms Reshma Jose
  • Dr Sonu Vincent
  • Ms Niamkoi Lam
  • Dr Lisa Thomas
  • Mr Dias Mario Antony
  • Ms Asma Nisar
  • Ms Ann Susan Aleyas
  • Ms Babina Ann Thomas
Link to the details of Women Studies Development Centre (WSDC)
Discipline Committee

Each case is looked into and evaluated by the Discipline Committee.

  • Discipline Committee
  • Ms Purnima Topden ( Convenor )
  • Members :
  • Dr Anju Luthra
  • Dr Priti
  • Ms Reshma Roy
  • Ms Karishma Dungdung

  • Minority Cell
  • Mr V Alan Bosco
  • Ms Babina Ann Thomas